rh-ipcalc is an IP calculator which is part of Red Hat's initscripts
package.  rh-ipcalc takes an IP address and various options, and outputs
lines that can be imported as variables in an sh-compatible shell.  For
more information about Red Hat's ipcalc and initscripts packages, please
see http://rhlinux.redhat.com/initscripts/.

Extract the tarball, enter the build directory and type "make".  Move
the compiled rh-ipcalc program and the rh-ipcalc.1 man pages to
appropriate directories.

As mentioned above, rh-ipcalc is ported from the Red Hat initscripts
package.  The "initscripts" CVS repository is downloaded, and all files
except ipcalc.c, ipcalc.1 and Makefile are removed.  ipcalc.c and
ipcalc.1 are renamed to rh-ipcalc.c and rh-ipcalc.1, respectively, and
rh-ipcalc.c and rh-ipcalc.1 are edited, changing all occurrences of
ipcalc to rh-ipcalc.  (Renaming is done so as not to conflict with
Krischan Jodies' ipcalc, available at http://jodies.de/ipcalc.) 
Makefile is modified to reflect the naming changes, and to remove all
non-rh-ipcalc build information.  This README file is added, and the
directory is packaged as rh-ipcalc-VERSION.tar.gz, where VERSION is the
YYYYMMDD date of the CVS download.

For questions or to report bugs about ipcalc itself, please contact Red 
Hat (see URL above).  For contact relating to the porting of this 
package, please contact the maintainer, Ryan Finnie, at ryan@finnie.org.

Ryan Finnie does not claim copyright on any material in this package, as 
he feels he hasn't done anything worthy of copyright protection.  The 
ipcalc software itself is copyright Red Hat, Inc., and is released under 
the GNU General Public license.